ALLSTAR - Šablona webu Sport Multipurpose Bootstrap 5
og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

ALLSTAR Version 3.3 (January 30, 2024):
Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Billiards, Bowling, Rugby:
- UPD: Bootstrap to v5.3.2;
- UPD: Popper.js to v2.11.8;
- UPD: PHPMailer to v6.8.1;
- UPD: Swiper to v8.4.6;
- UPD: Select2 to v4.0.13;
- FIX: CSS styles;
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
ALLSTAR Version 3.2 (January 24, 2023):
- ADD: new Home Tennis;
- FIX: CSS styles;
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
ALLSTAR Version 3.1 (January 24, 2023):
- UPD: Bootstrap 5.0.1 to 5.2.0;
- UPD: Pooper.js 2.9.2 to 2.11.5;
- UPD: PHPMailer 5.2.9 to 6.5.5 ;
- FIX: CSS styles;
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
ALLSTAR Version 3.0 (July 15, 2022):
- UPD: Bootstrap to 5.0.1;
- UPD: Popper.js to 2.9.2;
- UPD: Jquery to 3.6.0;
- UPD: Jquery Migrate to 3.3.2;
- UPD: RD Form to 4.3.0;
- UPD: Select2 to 4.0.6;
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
ALLSTAR Version 2.2 (March 31, 2021):
Landing, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Billiards, Bowling, Rugby
- UPD: Bootstrap to 4.5.3;
- UPD: Popper.js to 1.16.1;
- UPD: Swiper to 5.3.1;
- FIX: Minor HTML and CSS bugs.
ALLSTAR Version 2.1 (April 06, 2020):
- UPD: Baseball child theme updated;
- UPD: Basketball child theme updated;
- UPD: Billiards child theme updated;
- UPD: Bowling child theme updated;
- UPD: Rugby child theme updated;
- FIX: Minor HTML and CSS bugs.
ALLSTAR Version 2.0 (March 30, 2020):
- ADD: PageTransition plugin v1.1.4;
- ADD: Pug mixins for logo;
- ADD: Pug mixins for rights;
- UPD: Logo for Retina;
- UPD: Bootstrap framework to v4.1.3;
- UPD: Bootstrap accordion;
- UPD: Popper.js plugin to v1.14.3;
- UPD: WOW plugin to v1.1.3;
- UPD: Lightgallery plugin;
- UPD: Owl carousel plugin to v2.3.4;
- UPD: Counter;
- UPD: Progress Circle;
- UPD: Progress Linear;
- UPD: Progress Date-Countdown;
- UPD: Countdown;
- DEL: Countdown for jQuery;
- FIX: Minor HTML and CSS bugs.
ALLSTAR Version 1.5.1 (November 05, 2019):
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
ALLSTAR Version 1.5 (February 21, 2019):
- UPD:Soccer child updated;
ALLSTAR Version 1.4 (January 31, 2019):
- ADD: Separate templates: Baseball; Billiards; Rugby; Basketball; Bowling;
- FIX: Minor bug fixes;
ALLSTAR Version 1.3 (June 22, 2018):
- ADD: RD Mailfrom updated;
- ADD: Material Parallax updated;
- UPD: Countdown updated;
- UPD: LightGallery updated;
- FIX: Other minor bug fixes;
ALLSTAR Version 1.2 (May 04, 2018):
- ADD: All Sport Topics Home Page Layouts Added;
- FIX: Slider Fixes;
- FIX: Galleries Fixex;
- FIX: Social plugins;
- FIX: Other minor bug fixes.
ALLSTAR Version 1.1 (November 16, 2017):
- UPD: Swiper slider animation;
- UPD: Lightgallery v1.6.2;
- FIX: Posts gradient overlay styles;
- FIX: Minor fixes.
ALLSTAR Version 1.0 (November 15, 2017):
- Initial Release.
27 Reviews for this product
Очень понравился шаблон! много полезных модулей и разных тематик! Советую! А так же легкая настройка и установка, обновления и тд. Очень понравилась тех поддержка, с помощью которой все очень легко и быстро настроить, ну а если есть какие либо вопросы, Вам всегда помогут разобраться и посоветуют что и как сделать! От новичков и до профессионалов один ресурс это Спасибо большое команде templatemonster за предоставленный ресурс который облегчает задачи поставленные для создания страничек любой сложности и на любой платформе!
Overall it's a good template, it lacks alternative headers, and forum elements to be complete.
Many declinaison for the basic pages make this template very easy to use with differents atmospheres!
Hi, Lex! Your feedback is highly appreciated :) Thank you!
A lot of blocks. Well designed. I enjoyed the loading speed and how easy it is to adjust what you need.
I've been using this template for 3 years and it is great. Very nice layouts and easy to use.
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